Deeper Understanding: Discussions with Dementia Researchers

Wednesday, September 29, 2 pm
Please join the Alzheimer’s Association as they welcome, Dr. Tiffany Washington, associate professor at the University of Georgia School Of Social Work, and recipient of a 2021 Research Grant Award from the Alzheimer’s Association, as we discuss her exciting research study that pairs students at UGA with people living with dementia in a virtual respite program to support family caregivers. This study is a community-university partnership to support a gerontological social work student-delivered respite program, the Houseguest Program (Houseguest). Houseguest was designed using a community-engaged scholarship model of integrating research, teaching, and service.
“A Deeper Understanding” is a live webinar experience designed to give those living with dementia, their care partners, and aging professionals the opportunity to get up close and personal with dementia researchers in Georgia.