Partner Program

Alter is a program of Faith Village Connections and led by Dr. Fayron Epps. The Alter program was created in 2019 to address the lack of resources and awareness around dementia in African American and faith communities in the State of Georgia. The Alter program is the guiding light for churches and caregivers to keep the spiritual connection strong and vibrant with those living with dementia and works with churches to create dementia-friendly faith villages (i.e., infrastructures).


The mission of the Alter program is to encourage culture change, shift perceptions of dementia, and strengthen supportive services within African American churches. Alter partners with churches to empower their work toward providing a supportive environment for families affected by dementia through education, environmental modifications, and implementation or expansion of dementia resources and support programs. Alter is currently seeking churches and faith-based coalitions throughout Georgia and beyond that are ready to be transformed into dementia-friendly faith villages. Their goal is to partner with a minimum of six churches per year and provide culturally tailored education to the community to promote dementia awareness.
