Congrats, Grady!
Grady won the 2020 ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine) Foundation and NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Health Systems Elders) Choosing Wisely® Trailblazer award for our work focused on improving care of older adults within the healthcare system. This award is based on the current work we are doing focused on using patient safety monitors to improve outcomes amongst patients with delirium. The focus of this project has been to improve patient outcomes such as incidence of delirium and reduction in duration of delirium with an ultimate reduction in length of stay, functional decline, hospital acquired conditions such as falls, pressure ulcers, restraint use, antipsychotic use and improve discharge disposition to home.
This is in line with one of the 4Ms (Mentation) for which Grady was recognized by the IHI as being an Age Friendly Health System participant. Congratulations to Dr. Ugochi Ohuabunwa and team!