Joe Norton

Alter Dementia

Alter had a manuscript accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Gerontology  titled, Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Dementia in Predominantly African American Congregants. Read more here.


Congratulations to Drs. Epps, Clevenger, and Hepburn on their recent award from the Retirement Research Foundation. This award is being made in support of the…

Birmingham/Atlanta VA & GRECC

Dr. Mirk has been selected as the Associate Director for Clinical Programs in the Birmingham/Atlanta VA GRECC. In the AD/Clinical role, Dr. Mirk will lead…

Congrats, Grady!

Grady won the 2020 ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine) Foundation and NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Health Systems Elders) Choosing Wisely® Trailblazer award for…

Congratulations, Carolyn!

Congratulations to Carolyn Clevenger (IMCC) on her new role effective January 1, 2021. She will be the Associate Dean for Transformative Clinical Practice at the…

Protecting the Editorial Independence of the CDC From Politics

Georgia Gear Evaluation Core member, Dr. Rick Goodman, along with two other past CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports editors, emphasizes the need for science…

Am I at Risk for a Fall?

On Friday, September 4, David Taylor and Leslie Taylor presented on “Am I at Risk for a Fall,” at the first Georgia Falls Free Friday…

Georgia Gerontology Society Virtual Conference

On Thursday, September 3, the Mercer team (Susan Miller, Leslie Taylor, David Taylor, and Jennifer de la Cruz) presented a webinar entitled “Developing Age-Friendly Healthcare…

RYSE on the Rise!

RYSE’s Dr. Manning had a pretty cool birthday wish that greatly benefitted Grady Health System. Read more here. 

Students Write Letters to Seniors During COVID-19

Jennifer de la Cruz and the Mercer PA students engaged in a letter-writing campaign to residents at a local skilled nursing facility who have been…